Technology solutions that bring heaven to earth.


The walls of [America] are also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire... (Nehemiah 1)

Will you stand by grumbling and complaining about the decline of our cities and nations? Or will you rise up and build until the knowledge of the glory of God covers the earth like the waters the sea?

America is at a crossroads. The walls are broken down in all seven spheres of influence. So, we must be like Nehemiah, when he heard about the broken walls of Jerusalem. He wept, fasted, and prayed. Then he built. Now we must respond in the same way.

Intercession & Incubators

Prayer center & intercession in strategic locations.


Technology business incubators & accelerators.

Why Technology?

Technology builds businesses in every sphere of life and society. It's a place where we can empower God ideas, God dreams, and make them a reality on this earth.

God's Solutions

God has solutions for every problem that our world is facing, and those solutions are found in the believers who are listening to his voice and getting ideas from him. We're not going to see those ideas come onto the Earth without radical obedience.

God said, "go into all the world and make disciples of all nations". And we picked up that call. We began creating discipleship centers to train and launch missionaries to every corner of the Earth. We train them how to do it. We give them the resources. We funded them. And we send them off.

That call doesn't end on the mission field. That call is relevant for every sphere of society. If we're not going into Hollywood, if we're not going into government, if we're not going into media, then we're not being salt and light in that place. If we're not going into every area, then we're not going into all the world.

It's time to train, to fund, and to launch the people, in the vehicle of a businesses, that God has raised up and given ideas to for shifting culture and bringing elements of heaven to earth.

That is how we bring change to culture and rebuild our walls.


Investors / Churches / Influencers / Advisors /